Tuesday 27 July 2021

Fishing Industry Practice Questions

Fishing Industry in Pakistan

Fishing Industry - Reading Material & Pictures

Fishing Industry

Names of major fish harbours of Pakistan;

  • Karachi Fish Harbour – the biggest and oldest. Handles 90% of fish and seafood catch and 95% of fishing exports.

  • Karachi fisheries Harbor

  • Korangi Fish Harbour

  • Pasni Fish Harbours

  • Gwadar Fish Harbour

The fishing methods include the basic and modern methods both.

  • Cast nets (thrown by hand) are usually used in wooden boats. Traditional fishing vessels shoot gill-net during evenings and fetch them out in the morning, this helps catch fish species like tuna, etc. 

  • Fishing Trawlers – commercial fishing vessels which is designed to drag and pull a trawl (fishing nets pulled at the bottom of the sea or at a specified depth)

  •  Modern Vessels -  

  • Mechanized fishing boats

  • Gillnetters  

  • Freezing vessels (used only in exclusive economic zones)


Mechanized Fishing Vessel

Bottom Trawl

Cast Net

Traditional Wooden Boats

Fish Preservation by Salting

Fish Preservation by Drying